Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Barbara | Maternity Portraits

I had the pleasure of photographing Barbara and Chris's Wedding Reception in September 2008.   So when she contacted me a couple of months ago saying she was pregnant and was interested in a Maternity Session, I was so excited!  I L.O.V.E. staying in touch!  One of my favorite things about being a photographer is building relationships.  Sounds cheesy, maybe.  But it is the truth!  They have chosen to not find out if it is boy or girl!!!  So we will find out in a few weeks what Chris and Barbara had...she decided to go with my package that photographs the babies first year!  Great to see you both!  Can't wait to see you in a few weeks with the little one!!

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Her eyes are amazing!
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This is my fav!
July_2009-26 copyeWEB


I did not skin retouching.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

This summer hasn't been all work :)

I often forget that I take pictures of fun family times. I always seem to be 'behind' on my editing or on shots that I neglect my own personal photos. It has been a very full summer. With my day job, my photography, the kids and church commitments things can feel a bit overwhelming at times. But I realize that I like to keep busy. My boys like to keep busy. They are happiest when there is stuff to do. So this summer we have spent lots of time with family. Lots of pictures :) We have spent lots of time by the pool.........
Owen and Uncle Ralph
A RARE picture of me and the boys...I am always taking the pictures :)

Owen and Auntie Ang (I am trying to get them to say Auntie, Ang!)
Owen and Sadie Dog.
July_2009-2WEB My b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. cousin Annika.
My handsome, almost kindergartner, EthanJuly_2009-10WEB

We spent some time at the beach........

Oops! I am afraid if I try to delete this I will delete all my photos...
My wonderful Dad and Ethan

My nephew Tanner.

Tanner, Tats and Owen.
My first time ever taking pictures of fireworks. It is hard! I took almost 200 pictures. I could only salvage these :)




And we just hung out in our own backyard!
This has been a great summer! I am blessed to made some new memories with family and friends. We are gearing up for Ethan starting Kindergarten in just a few weeks. Awaiting the arrivial of TWO new babies in the next month! So there will be lots more pictures to come! Blessings!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Levi & Savannah | Infant Portraits little Levi and Savannah, they are so cute!  These little guys are special to me, they are my first twins.  I love watching them grow.  Here is their Newborn Session and here is when they were still in Mommy's belly!  Just in case you want to see how they have grown.  Looking back they haven't changed very much, just bigger.  It was great seeing the four of you as always!  


Levi & Savannah :)