Two Goodbyes......
My Grandpa

My Uncle

My Grandpa's funeral

I am not sure how to blog about this. I know that I have to, need to. My year ended with my Grandpa's passing on Dec. 27th. My year began with my Uncle Jr's passing on Jan. 5th. Ten days apart father and son left us. If you knew them, you knew they were close. So it almost seems fitting that one couldn't be here without the other.
My Grandpa.....taught me the only spanish I know and about 'my people' as refered to them and how to dumpster dive! LOL. When we were kids my grandparents place had chickens, cows, pigs and horses. So my grandpa would often take us to go get feed for the animals. We never went to the feed store we would always go to the train tracks. I know that sounds odd but as a kid I thought that is where everyone got their feed. Well we would go to the train and crawl under. He would lay out a tarp and open up the silo with a tire iron. He was always rushed and telling us to "hurry and be quiet!". We had hand held brooms that we would use to keep the feed on the tarp. It was fun! It was also stealing! I didn't figure this out for years. Seriously I was probably in my 20's when I realized what we had done was illegal. He was 85 when he died. He lived a long and good life. I never remember my grandpa working. He was fortunate enough to retire at the age of 45. He loved his Mexican music and he loved to dance. Up until about a year and a half ago he would go to these little Mexican bars and go dancing. I am going to miss him...........
My Uncle. This one is really hard, definitely a life cut to short. My Uncle Jr. was always teasing or joking around with us. He was so much fun and full of life. He was an amazing musician. He played the saxophone and flute and was part of a local Tex-Mex band in the 70's called Poli Chavez. They were local celebrities :) I have nothing but love for this man and can't think of one negative thing to say about him. Honestly, in all the years he was in my life I have not one bad thing to say. He touched a lot of lives. That was apparent at his memorial service. There were close to 300 people. I can't believe he is gone. I can't believe I will never hear him call me 'Morris' again. I cry for only myself, he is in the Kingdom. He is healthy, happy and with his Dad. Let the healing begin.