Busy Busy!

Oh my gosh...in all the craziness of the last two months or so I just realized that I haven't taken a single picture of my children in at least a month. Sounds bad right? The photographer should have a million pictures of her kids (I do) displayed (I don't) in her house? Well the cobblers kids need shoes...the plumbers toilets run and the painter needs to paint his house :) So here are my wonderful boys. Owen is almost 20 months. He is a handful! On the go constantly. But is so sweet and loves to cuddle! Ethan will be 4 in a month. He also is staring preschool in 10 days. I promise to have plenty first day of preschool pics! He is so excited. I am too! I know he is going to love it. We will be starting MOPS again in a week so we both are looking forward to that too! We continue to have a very busy life. I have been given the opportunity to do some freelance photography work for a few of San Diegos Community Colleges. I start in a few weeks and I am really excited about this opportunity. This adds to our plate, but we can handle it :) Life is full in every way......all in good ways!
What a cutie! I like these ones very candid and cute! www.foreverinthismoment.com
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